IMPACT Autism was founded in 2009 by four University of Florida college students (Ana Mejia, Ashley Giddings, Tana Bleser, and Emily Gilbert) who were driven to volunteer with individuals with autism. They wanted to share the opportunity with other students through education, service, fundraising, and leadership opportunities to benefit the Gainesville community and beyond.
The mission was simple: to utilize the volunteerism, passion, and leadership of University of Florida students to directly IMPACT the lives of those in the community who are autistic. At the first meeting, barely enough students attended for IMPACT to qualify as a student organization, but that quickly changed.
Over 500 UF students have become members of IMPACT Autism and over 60 professional members, some of whom have shared their knowledge with IMPACT members. We have been able to IMPACT more than 100 local families through our Kid's Day Out programs. IMPACT Autism continues to grow each day, and we hope to be a staple in the Gainesville community and surrounding communities. Our members participate in hands-on service opportunities, which are planned and executed entirely by the leadership of our organization, learn from guest speakers who are experts in their fields, and fund-raise to directly benefit the local autism community.

From 2010-2011, IMPACT's main fundraising project was PROJECT COMMUNICATE. IMPACT's efforts were focused on raising funds to help children with autism who are nonverbal by providing them with a scholarship towards either an Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) device or Speech Therapy. Our efforts culminated in the production of an "Autism Movie Night" at UF, which showcased the Temple Grandin biopic. Our fundraising efforts throughout the year, in conjunction with this event, helped us raise enough money to help six local families increase their child's communication abilities, providing them with supplies from iPads to office items.

During IMPACT's second year, members continued to host monthly Kid's Day Out events and expanded IMPACT's reach in the community. In 2012, IMPACT Autism was invited to the University of Florida's Student Involvement Awards, where it was recognized as UF's Best New Student Organization. The organization received a trophy and a $1,000 grant to continue the work in the community that had become characteristic of IMPACT. In celebration of Autism Awareness Month in April, IMPACT Autism officers planned UF's first "Autism Symposium in the Swamp," bringing an interdisciplinary panel of local experts in the autism field together for an audience of students, parents, and community members. IMPACT's president at the time, Ashley Giddings, served on the planning committee for UF's Stomp the Swamp for Autism, an athletic event at Ben Hill Griffin Stadium that supports UF's Center for Autism and Related Disabilities. At Stomp the Swamp, IMPACT Autism won first place for having the largest team in attendance. The second year ended with IMPACT being featured in an article printed in the April edition of UF's Health Science Center magazine, The Post.
In May 2012, IMPACT Autism obtained 501(c)3 non-profit status as the organization was adopted under the UF Foundation and became a part of UF's Center for Autism and Related Disabilities.

During the 2012-2013 school year, IMPACT Autism celebrated its three year anniversary. IMPACT had continual growth with monthly Kid's Day Out programs, even hosting a "Kid's Day Out 2 Go" in High Springs, FL to serve those outside of the Gainesville area. IMPACT leadership played a major role in planning the Fifth Annual Stomp the Swamp for Autism on February 9, 2013, where the organization helped raise over $12,000 for UF's center for Autism and Related Disabilities. IMPACT Autism members continued to assist in planning MyFriends events for older children and teens with autism alongside UF CARD. In April 2013, IMPACT hosted a Technology and Education in Autism (TEAxUF) conference. A variety of speakers (a clinician, a neurobiologist, a parent, a teen on the spectrum) gave insightful presentations to IMPACT members, all with the goal of informing and igniting conversations about the future of autism technology and education.

IMPACT Autism continued to grow and perform its annual events.

From 2014-2015, IMPACT Autism continued its involvement in the Gainesville community. Monthly Kid's Day Out events continued, with more people in attendance than ever! IMPACT also hosted a variety of MyFriends events, including a Halloween Party and a Thanksgiving Potluck. In the Fall of 2014, IMPACT Autism developed a tutoring program for children, teenagers, and young adults with autism. Thanks to student volunteers, students with autism were able to get help with school material from people who are knowledgeable about the needs of people with autism. In February, IMPACT Autism officers aided the organization of a successful Stomp the Swamp for Autism fundraiser for the seventh year in a row. The money raised for UF CARD went towards creating safety boxes for constituents to address safety concerns for people with autism in the community.

From 2015 to 2016, IMPACT Autism kept up its multiple projects and continuing to have a strong presence on the UF campus. IMPACT members kicked the yearoff with a trip to the Santa Fe Teaching Zoo for a MyFriends social group outing. The Kid's Day Out events remained a success, and the tutoring program established the year before continued to grow through 2016. On February 7th, IMPACT and UF CARD hosted the Eighth Annual Stomp the Swamp for Autism Fundraiser, which had record attendance.

IMPACT Autism continued to grow and perform its annual events.

In the 2017-2018 school year, IMPACT Autism continued the effort to make a difference in the Gainesville community. Officers held monthly meetings with numerous thought provoking guest speakers including Sara Childers, a UF Vet Student with ASD. Several MyFriend's events happened every month, including another Halloween Party, Thanksgiving Potluck at Lake Alice, Christmas Party, and Painting the Wall on 34th. In February 2018, the organization raised over $11,000 at the annual STOMP the SWAMP for Autism. All of the money raised went to UF CARD to help create more safety boxes for constituents to continue addressing safety concerns for people with autism.

From 2018 to 2019, IMPACT Autism introduced its newest program, the MyFriends Biweekly Workout Events, when one of the members in the MyFriends group requested support to help motivate him to exercise and live a healthier lifestyle. Some other MyFriends events included a Scavenger Hunt at the Harn Museum, Thanksgiving Potluck, Show and Tell, knitting lessons by UF Arts and Medicine, and Board Game Celebration. We continued our monthly KDOs, and on February 23rd, 2019, IMPACT raised $12,120 for UF CARD. In addition, Dragonfly Sushi collaborated with IMPACT in their initiative to raise funds for UF CARD.
And we aren't finished...
IMPACT will continue creating big ideas for the 2021-2022 school year and beyond, and the members are eager to share these with other students, volunteers, parents, and community supporters. There is no way IMPACT Autism could accomplish its mission without support from those that surround the organization, so we urge everyone to stay tuned for what's to come.